How to pick the best Nature for a Pokémon (2025)

Pokémon Natures are more than just personality traits for a player's Pokémon. Natures will increase one stat of the Pokémon by 10% while decreasing another stat by the same amount. These can apply to each stat of the Pokémon, except for HP, which has no corresponding Nature that increases or decreases it. Natures are normally random, but there are ways of manipulating them so that players get the one they are looking for. This is how to pick the best Nature for a Pokémon.

How to pick the best Nature for any Pokémon

When considering a Pokémon's Nature, players have to first think of what they want that specific Pokémon to be strong at. Every Pokémon has different Base Stats, and some Pokémon have much stronger Base Stats than others. For example, Charizard's highest stat is its Special Attack with a much lower Attack stat. Charizard has access to both Physical and Special moves, but with a higher Special Attack, players should probably go for a Nature that increases this stat. Alternatively, players can go for a Nature that increases one of Charizard's other stats while making sure not to lower the stat that Charizard is using.

For reference, Charizard's Base Stats are:

  • HP - 78
  • Attack - 84
  • Defense - 78
  • Special Attack - 109
  • Special Defense - 85
  • Speed - 100

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Things to consider when picking a Pokémon's Nature

When looking at a Pokémon's Base Stats, players can consider their moveset and the overall role they want to take in battle. For Charizard, players can choose to make Charizard defensive or offensive by going for a Nature that raises its defensive or offensive stats without sacrificing either stat. The Bold Nature will increase Defense while decreasing Attack, a stat that Charizard doesn't use very much. The Modest Nature will increase Special Attack while decreasing Attack, giving Charizard more damage output for its powerful Special moves. The same can be done with Speed by going for the Timid Nature.

Applying this logic to other Pokémon can be difficult when a Pokémon has similar Attack and Special Attack stats. When looking at Infernape, a Pokémon with equal Attack and Special Attack, players have a few choices. If players want both Physical and Special moves without lowering the Speed of their Pokémon, that is when Natures that decrease the Defense or Special Defense stat should be considered. This means that the Pokémon will be frail, but some Pokémon have poor Defenses anyway and won't be missing that 10%. Alternatively, players can instead choose a Neutral Nature so that no stats are increased or decreased.

Steps to picking the right Nature for Pokémon

How to pick the best Nature for a Pokémon (1)
  • Examine the Pokémon's Base Stats - Looking at what a Pokémon is best and worst at will make choosing a Nature that much easier.
  • Figure out what role the Pokémon is filling - On a team, some Pokémon are better suited to be offensive or tanky, but it is ultimately up to the player what role they want their Pokémon to fill.
  • Figure out which stat the player wants to be increased - Some players will want their Pokémon's strengths to be even stronger, while other players may want to focus on covering their Pokémon's weaker defensive stat.
  • Figure out which stat the player wants to be decreased - Players should have the moveset and the Base Stats of their Pokémon in mind to determine which stat is the least necessary.
  • Choosing the Nature - Players then just have to choose the stat that corresponds to their needs and are all set from there.

Related: What do Natures do in Pokemon?

The Top 12 Best Natures in Pokémon

There are 25 Natures in Pokémon, with five of them being Neutral Natures that are all exactly the same. Neutral Natures are fantastic on their own, as many Pokémon do not want any of their stats lowered. With so many Pokémon having different Base Stats, movesets, and Abilities, it can be difficult deciding which Nature players want their Pokémon to have. That said, there are a few Natures that are often seen as the best (or at the very least, the most common):

  • Adamant - Increased Attack, decreased Special Attack. It is one of the best Natures for Pokémon who use Physical Attacks.
  • Brave - Increased Attack, decreased Speed. This Nature is best suited for Pokémon that are already slow, take advantage of Trick Room, or just don't want to lose Special Attack.
  • Bold - Increased Defense, decreased Attack. It is one of the best Natures for Special Attacking Pokémon and Support Pokémon in general.
  • Relaxed - Increased Defense, decreased Speed. Many defensive Pokémon are already slow, and the lowered Speed could potentially work in their favor in a Trick Room team.
  • Impish - Increased Defense, decreased Special Attack. This Nature is perfect for Physical Attackers as well as Support Pokémon that need the extra bulk.
  • Timid - Increased Speed, decreased Attack. This Nature is most used on sweeper Pokémon, utilizing their high Special Attack and Speed to do a lot of damage while moving first in battle.
  • Jolly - Increased Speed, decreased Special Attack. A Nature most commonly used on sweeper Pokémon that use Physical moves and want to move first in battle.
  • Quiet - Increased Special Attack, decreased Speed. This Nature makes many Pokémon good in Trick Room, using their high Special Attack and already low Speed to their advantage to move first and do lots of damage.
  • Modest - Increased Special Attack, decreased Attack. Special Attackers can take advantage of this Nature, as the lowered Attack won't matter with a moveset of only Special moves.
  • Sassy - Increased Special Defense, decreased Speed. Perfect for Trick Room teams, this Nature is useful for making Support or frailer Pokémon have a bit more survivability.
  • Calm - Increased Special Defense, decreased Attack. This Nature works best for Special Attacking or Support Pokémon.
  • Careful - Increased Special Defense, decreased Special Attack. Physical Attackers and Support Pokémon can take advantage of this Nature, giving them extra bulk.

For more Pokémon guides, check out Rarest Pokémon in Pokémon GO on Pro Game Guides.

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How to pick the best Nature for a Pokémon (2025)
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